The growth of the network only comes through organic usage of FUND through purchases of Enterprise FUND (eFUND) by enterprise pa

21 Feb 2023, 22:10
The growth of the network only comes through organic usage of FUND through purchases of Enterprise FUND (eFUND) by enterprise partners. eFUND can also be thought of as FUND that is locked, purely for the initial usage of beacons/WRKchains on the Unification Network. Through the process of usage within these tools, the tokens will unlock/transfer to the Validators (and delegators) as rewards and enter the total supply. eFUND resolves the issue of price fluctuations and allows enterprise partners to hedge against massive variability by acquiring locked tokens. The total possibility of new eFUND created is limited to less than 10,000,000 annually, although it has been lower in previous years. However, given the upgrade of the network, we have already seen a number of beacon renewals and anticipate more as new projects onboard following future OoO and other tool upgrades.